Source code for libpurecool.dyson_360_eye

"""Dyson 360 eye device."""

import logging
import json
import time
import datetime

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

from .dyson_device import DysonDevice, NetworkDevice, DEFAULT_PORT
from .utils import printable_fields
from .const import PowerMode, Dyson360EyeMode, Dyson360EyeCommand

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Dyson360Eye(DysonDevice): """Dyson 360 Eye device."""
[docs] def connect(self, device_ip, device_port=DEFAULT_PORT): """Try to connect to device. :param device_ip: Device IP address :param device_port: Device Port (default: 1883) :return: True if connected, else False """ self._network_device = NetworkDevice(self._name, device_ip, device_port) self._mqtt = mqtt.Client(userdata=self, protocol=3) self._mqtt.username_pw_set(self._serial, self._credentials) self._mqtt.on_message = self.on_message self._mqtt.on_connect = self.on_connect self._mqtt.connect(self._network_device.address, self._network_device.port) self._mqtt.loop_start() if self._connection_queue.get(timeout=10): self._connected = True"Connected to device %s", self.serial) self.request_current_state() # Wait for first data self._state_data_available.get() self._device_available = True else: self._mqtt.loop_stop() return self._device_available
@property def status_topic(self): """MQTT status topic.""" return "{0}/{1}/status".format(self.product_type, self.serial) def _send_command(self, command, data=None): """Send command to the device. :param command Command to send (const.Dyson360EyeCommand) :param data Data dictionary to send. Can be empty """ if data is None: data = {} if self._connected: payload = { "msg": "{0}".format(command), "time": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()), } payload.update(data) _LOGGER.debug("Sending command to the device: %s", json.dumps(payload)) self._mqtt.publish(self.command_topic, json.dumps(payload), 1) else: _LOGGER.warning( "Not connected, can not send commands: %s", self.serial)
[docs] def set_power_mode(self, power_mode): """Set power mode. :param power_mode Power mode (const.PowerMode) """ self._send_command(Dyson360EyeCommand.STATE_SET.value, { "data": {"defaultVacuumPowerMode": power_mode.value}})
[docs] def start(self): """Start cleaning.""" self._send_command(Dyson360EyeCommand.START.value, {"fullCleanType": "immediate"})
[docs] def pause(self): """Pause cleaning.""" self._send_command(Dyson360EyeCommand.PAUSE.value)
[docs] def resume(self): """Resume cleaning.""" self._send_command(Dyson360EyeCommand.RESUME.value)
[docs] def abort(self): """Abort cleaning.""" self._send_command(Dyson360EyeCommand.ABORT.value)
[docs] @staticmethod def call_callback_functions(functions, message): """Call callback functions.""" for func in functions: func(message)
[docs] @staticmethod def on_message(client, userdata, msg): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Set function Callback when message received.""" payload = msg.payload.decode("utf-8") device_msg = None if Dyson360EyeState.is_state_message(payload): device_msg = Dyson360EyeState(payload) if not userdata.device_available: userdata.state_data_available() userdata.state = device_msg elif Dyson360EyeMapGlobal.is_map_global(payload): device_msg = Dyson360EyeMapGlobal(payload) elif Dyson360EyeTelemetryData.is_telemetry_data(payload): device_msg = Dyson360EyeTelemetryData(payload) elif Dyson360EyeMapGrid.is_map_grid(payload): device_msg = Dyson360EyeMapGrid(payload) elif Dyson360EyeMapData.is_map_data(payload): device_msg = Dyson360EyeMapData(payload) elif Dyson360Goodbye.is_goodbye_message(payload): device_msg = Dyson360Goodbye(payload) else: _LOGGER.warning(payload) if device_msg: Dyson360Eye.call_callback_functions(userdata.callback_message, device_msg)
def __repr__(self): """Return a String representation.""" fields = self._fields() return 'Dyson360Eye(' + ",".join(printable_fields(fields)) + ')'
[docs]class Dyson360EyeState: """Dyson 360 Eye state."""
[docs] @staticmethod def is_state_message(payload): """Return true if this message is a Dyson 360 Eye state message.""" return json.loads(payload)['msg'] in ["CURRENT-STATE", "STATE-CHANGE"]
def __init__(self, json_body): """Create a new Dyson 360 Eye state.""" data = json.loads(json_body) try: self._state = Dyson360EyeMode( data["state"] if "state" in data else data["newstate"]) except ValueError: _LOGGER.error("Unknown state value %s", data["state"] if "state" in data else data[ "newstate"]) self._state = data["state"] if "state" in data else data[ "newstate"] self._full_clean_type = data["fullCleanType"] if "globalPosition" in data and len(data["globalPosition"]) == 2: self._position = (int(data["globalPosition"][0]), int(data["globalPosition"][1])) try: self._power_mode = PowerMode(data["currentVacuumPowerMode"]) except ValueError: _LOGGER.error("Unknown power mode value %s", data["currentVacuumPowerMode"]) self._power_mode = data["currentVacuumPowerMode"] self._clean_id = data["cleanId"] self._battery_level = int(data["batteryChargeLevel"]) @property def state(self): """Return state status.""" return self._state @property def full_clean_type(self): """Return full clean type.""" return self._full_clean_type @property def position(self): """Return position.""" return self._position @property def power_mode(self): """Return power mode.""" return self._power_mode @property def battery_level(self): """Return battery level.""" return self._battery_level @property def clean_id(self): """Return clean id.""" return self._clean_id def __repr__(self): """Return a String representation.""" fields = [("state", str(self.state)), ("clean_id", str(self.clean_id)), ("full_clean_type", str(self.full_clean_type)), ("power_mode", str(self.power_mode)), ("battery_level", str(self.battery_level)), ("position", str(self.position))] return 'Dyson360EyeState(' + ",".join(printable_fields(fields)) + ')'
[docs]class Dyson360EyeTelemetryData: """Dyson 360 Eye Telemetry Data."""
[docs] @staticmethod def is_telemetry_data(payload): """Return true if this message is a telemetry data message.""" json_message = json.loads(payload) return json_message['msg'] in ["TELEMETRY-DATA"]
def __init__(self, json_body): """Create a new Telemetry Data.""" data = json.loads(json_body) self._telemetry_data_id = data["id"] self._field1 = data["field1"] self._field2 = data["field2"] self._field3 = data["field3"] self._field4 = data["field4"] self._time = datetime.datetime.strptime(data["time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") @property def telemetry_data_id(self): """Return Telemetry data id.""" return self._telemetry_data_id @property def field1(self): """Return field 1.""" return self._field1 @property def field2(self): """Return field 2.""" return self._field2 @property def field3(self): """Return field 3.""" return self._field3 @property def field4(self): """Return field 4.""" return self._field4 @property def time(self): """Return time.""" return self._time def __repr__(self): """Return a String representation.""" fields = [("telemetry_data_id", str(self.telemetry_data_id)), ("field1", str(self.field1)), ("field2", str(self.field2)), ("field3", str(self.field3)), ("field4", str(self.field4)), ("time", str(self.time))] return 'Dyson360EyeTelemetryData(' + ",".join( printable_fields(fields)) + ')'
[docs]class Dyson360EyeMapData: """Dyson 360 Eye map data."""
[docs] @staticmethod def is_map_data(payload): """Return true if this message is a map data message.""" json_message = json.loads(payload) return json_message['msg'] in ["MAP-DATA"]
def __init__(self, json_body): """Create a new Map Data.""" data = json.loads(json_body) self._grid_id = data["gridID"] self._clean_id = data["cleanId"] self._content_type = data["data"]["content-type"] self._content_encoding = data["data"]["content-encoding"] self._content = data["data"]["content"] self._time = datetime.datetime.strptime(data["time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") @property def grid_id(self): """Return Grid id.""" return self._grid_id @property def clean_id(self): """Return Clean Id.""" return self._clean_id @property def content_type(self): """Return content type.""" return self._content_type @property def content_encoding(self): """Return content encoding.""" return self._content_encoding @property def content(self): """Return content.""" return self._content @property def time(self): """Return time.""" return self._time def __repr__(self): """Return a String representation.""" fields = [("grid_id", str(self.grid_id)), ("clean_id", str(self.clean_id)), ("content_type", str(self.content_type)), ("content_encoding", str(self.content_encoding)), ("content", str(self.content)), ("time", str(self.time))] return 'Dyson360EyeMapData(' + ",".join(printable_fields(fields)) + ')'
[docs]class Dyson360EyeMapGrid: """Dyson 360 Eye map grid."""
[docs] @staticmethod def is_map_grid(payload): """Return true if this message is a map grid message.""" json_message = json.loads(payload) return json_message['msg'] in ["MAP-GRID"]
def __init__(self, json_body): """Create a new Map Grid.""" data = json.loads(json_body) self._grid_id = data["gridID"] self._resolution = data["resolution"] self._width = data["width"] self._height = data["height"] self._clean_id = data["cleanId"] if "anchor" in data and len(data["anchor"]) == 2: self._anchor = (int(data["anchor"][0]), int(data["anchor"][1])) self._time = datetime.datetime.strptime(data["time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") @property def grid_id(self): """Return grid id.""" return self._grid_id @property def clean_id(self): """Return clean id.""" return self._clean_id @property def resolution(self): """Return resolution.""" return self._resolution @property def width(self): """Return width.""" return self._width @property def height(self): """Return height.""" return self._height @property def anchor(self): """Return Anchor.""" return self._anchor @property def time(self): """Return time.""" return self._time def __repr__(self): """Return a String representation.""" fields = [("grid_id", str(self.grid_id)), ("clean_id", str(self.clean_id)), ("resolution", str(self.resolution)), ("width", str(self.width)), ("height", str(self.height)), ("anchor", str(self.anchor)), ("time", str(self.time))] return 'Dyson360EyeMapGrid(' + ",".join(printable_fields(fields)) + ')'
[docs]class Dyson360EyeMapGlobal: """Dyson 360Eye map global."""
[docs] @staticmethod def is_map_global(payload): """Return true if this message is a map global message.""" json_message = json.loads(payload) return json_message['msg'] in ["MAP-GLOBAL"]
def __init__(self, json_body): """Create a new Map Global.""" data = json.loads(json_body) self._grid_id = data["gridID"] self._x = data["x"] self._y = data["y"] self._angle = data["angle"] self._clean_id = data["cleanId"] self._time = datetime.datetime.strptime(data["time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") @property def grid_id(self): """Return grid id.""" return self._grid_id @property def clean_id(self): """Return clean id.""" return self._clean_id @property def position_x(self): """Return x.""" return self._x @property def position_y(self): """Return y.""" return self._y @property def angle(self): """Return angle.""" return self._angle @property def time(self): """Return time.""" return self._time def __repr__(self): """Return a String representation.""" fields = [("grid_id", str(self.grid_id)), ("clean_id", str(self.clean_id)), ("x", str(self.position_x)), ("y", str(self.position_y)), ("angle", str(self.angle)), ("time", str(self.time))] return 'Dyson360EyeMapGlobal(' + ",".join( printable_fields(fields)) + ')'
class Dyson360Goodbye: """Dyson 360 Eye goodbye message.""" @staticmethod def is_goodbye_message(payload): """Return true if this message is a goodbye message.""" json_message = json.loads(payload) return json_message['msg'] in ["GOODBYE"] def __init__(self, json_body): """Create a new Map Global.""" data = json.loads(json_body) self._reason = data["reason"] self._time = datetime.datetime.strptime(data["time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") @property def reason(self): """Return reason.""" return self._reason @property def time(self): """Return time.""" return self._time def __repr__(self): """Return a String representation.""" fields = [("reason", str(self.reason)), ("time", str(self.time))] return 'Dyson360EyeGoodbye(' + ",".join(printable_fields(fields)) + ')'